Saturday, November 14, 2009

eleven on the eleventh

Well, no, not really, but let me explain.

My friend Kara challenged me on the 11th of November to write out 11 fun facts about me in hopes to establish some community among blog friends if many partook.

Clearly today is not the 11th, but better late than never, right?

Maybe I'll do a combination of fun facts and updates of life the past few weeks. Enjoy!

1. On November 11th we switched to AT&T cable so the internet was not working. (This is true, though I cannot put total blame on an internet provider for my lack of punctuality).

2. Last weekend I bought an antique furniture set from my aunt for an amazing price before she sold it in her garage sale. It is all jam packed in my room waiting for the day when it will spread its wings to its own apartment. The bed is pictured below.

3. Thursday night I went to hear a friend of a friend's band play in downtown Houston. The venue was called Super Happy Fun Land. Yes. Super Happy Fun Land. It was as if I traveled back in time 40 years. What a trip!

4. My step dad opened a yogurt shop in Houston this past September called blueberryhill. It is SO good!!! (Expect a blog entry on this very soon!)

5. This past Tuesday my 4th grade class went on a field trip to Miller Outdoor Theater to see a performance on the origins of certain dances. I saw my sister (also Ms. Crockett) and her class there eating lunch before going on their field trip to the Children's Museum. Crazy, huh?!

6. On Thursday I wore panty hose to school and a student informed me that my legs looked darker that day. (oh goodness...)

7. The Blockbuster location by my house is closing (what is the world coming to?) and everything is on clearance. I bought a handful of movies including Away We Go (so good!), Camille (haven't seen it yet, but with a title like that I've got to, right?), and Edward Scissorhands (haven't seen this since it scared me when I was younger).

8. This Thanksgiving I am going to be the only daughter out of four who will be home. It is going to be bazaar being an only child for a holiday weekend... My mom jokingly said we should go to Vegas, but I'm totally keen on the idea!

9. This week my old college roommate got engaged on national television.

10. I've never made a scrapbook before, but have all these pictures and other things from the DR waiting for me to put it all together. Any takers to help me out?

11. I am not the best blogger in the world, but am going to try and post more regularly!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Hi Camille! I'm one of Kara's 11 on the 11th friends so I just wanted to say hi and I'm glad you joined in. And...I totally saw that proposal on Ellen and got really choked up. So cool that you know them!