Sunday, April 01, 2007

Update on Katy

Katy's surgery was a success! She is in the hospital recovering, and will probably be there until the middle of the week. The doctors found a cyst attached to her pancreas, "it's not a TUMOR!" They, however, could not remove it. Instead, they put a hole in her intestine so that it could suck the cyst in and eventually it will pass naturally through her system. I am not a doctor, apparently this works?! The downside is that in order for her intestine to heal properly, Katy can not eat or drink anything. The healing process will take (has taken) several days though, that means no eating for this little girl.

I have seen her 3 different times in the hospital now, and she is definitely improving. Attached is a picture 2 days after surgery (Friday) while Katy was in intensive care. We went in today though and she was a bit more lively and more responsive- singing and playing instruments that I brought. A special thanks to my sister Rachel for the things I was able to use to keep Katy entertained, and to Royce for some of the instruments he left behind. (When Google will let me post a video I will).

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