Today during the break between two of my classes, I was grading exams that my kids took inside the school house (yes, my kids had final exams, and yes, the year is coming to an end! crazy!). Alexia and I were sitting inside, amazed at how calm the atmosphere was around us. When, just then, Yoslena walks in carrying a little friend of hers who couldn't be more than 18 months (both pictured above). Yoslena is about 14 and likes to pretend that she is an adult and doesn't have to listen to the rules we give the kids, but rather enforces them on the little ones around her. Sometimes she is a help, other times a handful, and often times makes us laugh.
Well, she comes in today carrying this little girl, sits down picks up a book and begins to "read" it by saying the words of the pictures she sees. She acts as if she knows how to read, which she doesn't, and then asks the other kids to read the words in the book and laughs when they just shrug their shoulders. (Oh, this book also happened to be in English, which she cannot speak, let alone read).
Yoslena then walked over to the white board in hopes of writing my name out. She asked me to say each letter, and then consequently asked me how to write each letter. As soon as "camila" was written on the board, the easel it was sitting on begins to fall. She picks up the board and holds it over her head as she also trys to straighten the easel so it stands properly. She obviously cannot balance it all and orders Sandi (an 8 year old) to grab the board from her, as it is literally about to fall on the ground.
Alexia and I start laughing at the scene in front of us. As Yoslena is trying so hard so show that she has everything under control, juggling a falling easel and dry erase markers. She then turns to the one year old she carried in who is sitting helplessly on the bench, and yells out, "why are you just sitting there? Get up and help me get this thing straight for crying out loud!" I just loose it and am laughing so hard that I can't breathe. The little girl just stares back at her, too small to acknowledge the problem and hand and to get herself down from the bench, let alone help someone set up a board and easel!
Ohhhhh... I guess you had to be there, and I guess too that you probably need to know Yoslena.
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