Sunday, July 04, 2010


This is Caquito. He is 17 years old and was my former student in Pancho Mateo. He is such a great kid, and so extremely mature for his age. When I saw him for the first time, I was so moved by his reaction in seeing me. It was such a sweet time of reunion.

He came by the apartment later that night and told me how much I meant to him and the rest of the kids in Pancho Mateo. He continued on and said things that, if I were to repeat, would sound self-indulgent and conceited. The things he said were so completely affirming to the time I spent teaching in the villages. When I think about all of the hard times I had teaching those kids on my own in the villages, what he told me that day I thought that I would (honestly) never in my dreams hear something so affirming. It made me speechless. It made me cry. So good.

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