Saturday, July 17, 2010

the ruben family

After being at the school, eating Dominican food with Cara's fam before they headed back to the states, and recuperating from being in the heat, I headed to Pancho Mateo later that afternoon. I decided to put on my tennis shoes and run through Monte Llano, over the bridge, and into Pancho Mateo. I soon realized why I liked running in the morning- no one is up yet to yell at you as you are running by! Nevertheless, it felt good to run there and back regardless of the stares and cat calls. I stayed at one house the whole time in Pancho Mateo, visiting with Sili's family.

I love spending time with them so much; they are such an amazing family and though they are surrounded by life in the slums (and them being poor themselves), somehow this family is set apart. The two eldest daughters are in their late teens maybe even early 20s by now, Celiana and Elisa, and are still "unmarried" and help out with chores around the house. Sili turns 14 the day after I leave, words can't express how great this kid is! Elsa is around 9 and super sweet, and the youngest Marta (who is actually the daughter of an older brother who lives elsewhere) is such a hoot!

I sat outside of their house with them for a couple of hours until it started to get dark. Their mom is such an incredible woman. Right now they are living in a friend's house because they are reconstructing theirs out of cinder block. There isn't work going on now with the house though because of a shortage of money.

Marta and I started doing hand clapping games and Elsa helped her sing songs to go along with them. Then they started singing songs they learned from school, and I was able to join in.

As the sun started to go down, I headed back to the apartment in Monte Llano. I'm really going to miss this family when I go back to the states.

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